Purpose Work for Organizations

Organizational Purpose Finding

If you are an organizational leader, be it of a private company, a publicly held company, a non-profit, or in public service,  you may be someone who is asking yourself how to establish a deep and meaningful purpose as the true directive of your organization.

If you find yourself wondering if your organization is on the right path, asking questions like “Is this all there is?” or “What are we really supposed to be doing?”  then you are probably at a point of wanting to uncover the opportunity for you organization to begin directing itself from deeper purpose.

Possibly you may yourself be on a Purposeful personal path but not see how to bring this forward in your organization.

As a trained True Purpose Process® Coach, I could be effective as a guide for your organization’s exploration and evolution into Purpose if some or all the following describe you:

  • You have already discovered your personal higher purpose or are ready to
  • You are interested in having your organizational heads or partners find their higher purpose
  • You might envision devoting time and resources for organizational members to contribute to the purpose discovery process
  • You might be willing to make significant changes in your organization in order to align with a discovered Purpose
  • You are open to exploring the pros and cons of top-down leadership vs. a more collaborative approach (recognizing that both have value)
  • You generally have good communication with your organization’s stakeholders

About the Process

When you find  your organization’s true Purpose, the organization will change.  Not only is finding Purpose an inspiring and energizing discovery, it becomes an ongoing evolutionary process. This process can only be undertaken and implemented by its leadership..

My role is to guide you,  cautiously and with deep respect for the status quo,  to show you and your organization tools and techniques, and keep you inspired and excited on your journey. Your role is to commit to your own personal Purpose and the discovered Purpose of your organization.

The basic process is the same as for an individual but with the following considerations:

  • You as leader goes through the individual process.
  • A majority of partners or department heads goes through the individual process (a minimum of three)
  • You commit the time and resources for staff/employees to participate in the organization’s process.

Please now read  (Individual Purpose)

The Steps

1)  Group/s are then formed in appropriate proportions to represent the organization

2)  A schedule and format for meeting (in person or via internet) is set

3)  Like with an individual we then (possibly in one meeting):

  • Set necessary safety conditions for staff/employee participation
    • Usually done at the moment with full group participation
    • Through a short guided-meditation for the whole group
  • “Download” the four elements of Purpose individually on personal devices
    • Essence;    the organization’s essential presence
    • Blessing;    the gift that it repeatedly brings forth in the world
    • Mission;      its overarching goal
    • Message;   the Mission-related message that it delivers to the world
  • These are then transmitted individually to me for collation

4)      In a second and/or third and/or fourth meeting:

  • Vote (with the rational mind) on possible Purpose Statement candidates
  • Reconnect with Higher Guidance and affirm vote
  • Make modifications as necessary
  • Adopt the statements

5)      Develop a detailed Implementation Plan with a chosen small group.  We will go deeper in asking individual Higher Guidance for details of each of the four aspects, which are then rationally sorted and organized by the group into a coherent narrative.  We then design a plan for integrating the discovered Purpose into the organizations structure and operations. This is usually quite detailed and includes whom you are meant to serve, how to draw them toward you, and details of the process, goods/ services you will offer them.

Finalization of this process must include Purpose based input from all overhead staff as well as you as organizational leader.

6)      The Purpose Statements and the Implementation Plan are then offered to all organization members for ratification. Individual non-alignment will usually result in some staff/employee changes.

4) Process End State

At the conclusion of working successfully with me your organizational members will experience the following:

  • relaxation and ease
  • the Purpose is present in your staff/employee perceptions of their jobs
  • overhead is resolved to move forward in harmony with the Purpose
  • staff/employees will experience more energy and less anxiety in their jobs
  • staff/employees will say the organization feels “right for them”


Please see Sessions