Personal Development

Personal Development

You may find yourself at a time in your life when you need  extra guidance to sort out specific issues that may be arising. You may find yourself in one or more of the following states:

  • At a crossroads; advanced or just beginning
  • Stuck around specific issues
  • Willing and eager to grow self-love but needing tools
  • Stuck or struggling with specific relationships
  • Curious, willing, and eager, but not yet stepping fully into your self-development
  • Needing regular practices to re-center on your path
  • Moving human evolution forward through self-evolution, through Love, but not seeing how

The Goal

Balance and self-love: My service to you is in providing you with  guidance,  insights,  tools and practices for you to arrive at  ongoing growth of self-love.

The Means

I have a whole array of useful methods and practices available for you to use in resolving specific issues. Together we can explore best practices for you to move through blockages, fears, no-longer-serving beliefs and world-view limitations.

Some of these may be techniques that use,  with you in a more passive role, but the majority will be practices and techniques that you will engage in and continue to practice and work with in your daily life.  Your self-evolution potential is unlimited:  but you must be open and willing to explore deeply and do the work.

Here are some examples of techniques that we might engage:

Parts Work:

  • Journaling with specific “parts” of yourself (voices) in a scripted two-way dialogue in order to reveal unconscious or poorly recognized aspects of the psyche and their needs. This a completely non-judgmental approach vested in a bias that all of our parts are in loving service to us and can offer valuable contributions for our growth and development.
  • Voice Dialogue is very similar to the above and is a very powerful tool for engaging more hidden parts or more disowned parts or even broader aspects (like “the part of me that knows all about my relationship to money” for example). The difference is that I act as your part’s interviewer and you become the passive mouthpiece for them…this is easy for you, and can even be lots of fun!

Connecting to Higher Guidance:

No matter whether you conceive of Higher Guidance as a deity,  a spirit or entity,  as your intuition,  or merely as a part of you that knows your higher path,  we can connect to that knowledge and wisdom.  We would do this through a number of possible methods:

  • Journaling and Voice Dialogue as above
  • Meditation and self-created ritual
  • Dream work

Normally we can connect/reconnect  you to your higher guidance in less than ten minutes…it’s usually very easy.

Wound Work:

All of us have some kind of “core wound”/s type of experience, even those of us who have had entirely benign childhoods.  Some wounds are sudden and dramatic, some are long-patterned, some are prosaic, some are received in adulthood.  Working together with gentle compassion for the wounded part/s, we can explore the unique gifts that your specific wounding has brought you, and how to better focus those gifts toward your growth and development and incorporate them into your purposeful life.

  • Experiencing these wounds somatically:  knowing them through describing them exactly, and where you feel them in the body, can go a long way toward evolving them into the gift-bearers that they truly are.  We do this in the present, without re-wounding/re-traumatizing, and with the goal of bringing forward their hidden gifts and rediscovering self-love.
  • Re-parenting childhood parts of yourself through a daily meditation/visualization practice:  this involves “owning” your so-called less lovable parts and develops self-compassion  (as well as compassion for others)  and self-acceptance.

Belief Work:

Many of our hidden resistance and blockages come from beliefs  (be they conscious or not)  and some of these beliefs may be found to no longer serve us in the way that they once did.  This type of work comes to me through my mentor in it,  Lion Goodman,   and his work which he calls the Belief Closet®. Revising or recreating these beliefs can be useful and we might do this in a couple of ways:

  • Individual belief modification or translation: this we do by moving into the realm of the imagination where I guide you through a series of steps to change an underlying belief.
  • Massive Belief Relief®  where we transform a whole menu of chosen beliefs at once, using meditation and self-designed ritual, should our explorations together lead you to choose that approach.

Communication Skills:

Sometimes our biggest challenges arise from our communication styles and our ability to separate “what is mine” from “what is theirs”.   We can all improve our communication abilities through attention to that distinction and by forming new interaction habits.  Some tools we might use are:

  • Raising awareness of incipient triggering (emotional reactivity: pleasant or unpleasant)
  • Growing our awareness that experiencing triggering is an opportunity to take responsibility for our experiences and reclaim our power to choose how we interact with others
  • Exploring various tools for discovering how to actively reclaim our emotional experiences in the moment
  • How to use “I” statements to reclaim our responsibility;  avoiding “you” statements
  • Recognizing how separating “mine” from “yours/theirs” expands the possibilities for loving connection
  • Appropriately tailored meditation/visualization practices


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