About Me

Like you,  consciously or unconsciously I have been on my “higher” path for most of my life.  Unguided,  I moved and created in many worlds:  as a professional sailing master,  a professional musician,  a visual artist,  an elected official,  a fire-chief, a professional mediator,  a labor negotiator,  and a community leader.

In 2008 I experienced a vast upheaval through the total loss of my community in a wildland fire,  coupled with an end to my 25 year marriage. That period of upheaval became my “dark night of the soul” and launched me into a whole new path of personal exploration and self-evolution.

In my work today I use many tools including specific training:  as a business and relational mediator;  as a coach for The True Purpose ProcessTM ;  as a facilitator in The Inner Harmony ProcessTM;  in Voice Dialogue facilitation;  in Massive Belief ReliefTM;  in meditation;  and in healing and transformational work through Afro-Caribbean traditions.

Today I am committed to my path to evolve world peace: one person, one organization, one community at a time. In practice what this looks like is that I help you advance your growth and development.  I guide clients in this in four possible ways:

  • Intuitive Reiki
  • Personal Development
  • Personal Purpose Finding
  • Organizational Purpose Finding

If you are reading here because you are willing and eager to advance your self-development through regular practices;   to grow self-love;  to move human evolution forward through self-evolution, through Love;  or if you are at a crossroads on your path;  then I am here to be of service.

I am an explorer in the wildlands of self-love.  If you are also, then keep reading.  My personal mantra is “Self-love, Trust,  Peace,  and Purpose”.

Intuitive Reiki

A close friend calls my work “Intuitive Reiki”;  a near enough description of what I do that I have decided to continue using it. The difference between a conventional Reiki session and Intuitive Reiki is that during the session I receive specific information that I relay to you after the actual Reiki energy balancing.

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Personal Development

Personal Development

You may find yourself at a time in your life when you need extra guidance to sort out specific issues that may be arising.  You may find yourself in one or more of the following states:

  • At a crossroads; advanced or just beginning
  • Stuck around specific issues
  • Willing and eager to grow self-love but needing tools
  • Stuck or struggling with specific relationships
  • Curious, willing, and eager, but not yet stepping fully into your self-development
  • Needing regular practices to re-center on your path
  • Moving human evolution forward through self-evolution,  through Love,  but not seeing how

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Purpose Work for Individuals

Individual Purpose

If you find yourself wondering if you are on the right path,  asking questions like  “Is this all there is?”  or   “What am I really supposed to be doing?”,   then you are probably at a point of wanting to discover your real purpose on this planet.

Possibly you may be on a Purposeful path but have lost motivation and/or direction.

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Purpose Work for Organizations

Organizational Purpose Finding

If you are an organizational leader, be it of a private company, a publicly held company, a non-profit, or in public service ,  you may be someone who is asking yourself how to establish a deep and meaningful purpose as the true directive of your organization.

If you find yourself wondering if your organization is on the right path, asking questions like “Is this all there is?” or “What are we really supposed to be doing?”  then you are probably at a point of wanting to uncover the opportunity for you organization to begin directing itself from deeper purpose.

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